EHRCON24 Collabrathon Winners: DataHub Maastricht
One of the undisputed highlights of #EHRCON24 was the Collabrathon, a hybrid event in which teams worked against the clock to develop solutions to real-world healthcare challenges based on the […]
EHRCON24 – round-up
EHRCON24 is all over, and it was a conference to remember. The beautiful Wokefield Estate in Reading proved the perfect location for bringing together some of the brightest minds in […]
Making Waves – Ocean Health Systems
It’s not often that you come across a company that so comprehensively bridges the gap between strategic data management and specialised patient care, but Ocean Informatics – trading as Ocean […]
Charting a new course: University Hospital Basel’s Data-Driven Revolution
“Choosing openEHR… was a decision that paid off. Its storage capabilities and robust data definition were particularly impressive.”