Dr Sam Heard

Chair of the openEHR Foundation

Dr Sam Heard

Chair of the openEHR Foundation

Sam is a clinician working in primary care in a large Aboriginal community controlled health service in the Northern Territory. He travelled to London on a motorbike with his girlfriend (now wife) in 1980 and completed his GP training at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and became an academic GP at London University. He developed one of the first computing platforms for primary care as a cooperative and involved David Ingram in a bid to develop a health record for Europe (GEHR). Thomas Beale came to the project as a computer scientist and engineer. Sam and his family returned to northern Australia in 1992 and carried on working on the health record after the GEHR project with Thomas who also later returned to Australia. Together they forged the openEHR specification in its first iteration and established Ocean Informatics. openEHR was named by David, who led the team at University College London to get it into shape for international publication and stewardship. The first large implementation of openEHR was the My eHealth Record of the Northern Territory of Australia. Sam continues to practice and innovate with data and technology, much aided by the new low earth orbit satellites which are virtually idle but very accessible over the vast desert spaces.